Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hangovers: Our Advice...

Being that On The Rocks... writes about alcohol, it only felt proper to provide readers with effective ways to cure that dreaded hangover.  We attribute the results to, as this was an article written by Brittany Risher back in 2006.



The consumption of H2O is a must!  Being that you dehydrate your body when you consume alcohol, replenishing it with water is the first step to curing, and even avoiding morning hangovers.



A traditional morning cup o' joe is enjoyed by many, so, it's not unnatural to crave coffee the morning after a long night of drinking.  Studies show that caffeine is a natural remedy for headaches, yet, caffeine also causes dehydration.  This results in a negative/positive, so, if you so desire, make sure you drink water with that morning brew.

More Alcohol

The saying "the best cure to a hangover is another one" doesn't exist out of sheer randomness.  The truth is, a morning cocktail DOES alleviate hangovers, but, it doesn't get rid of them.  All a morning drink does is numb the pain.  Doctors don't recommend this form of treatment, and also attribute this practice to what they call alcohol dependency.  


Toast or Crackers

A hangover simply boils down to blood sugar levels.  Naturally, when your body's blood sugar levels dip, your liver reacts by breaking down carbs into glucose.  Yet, when you drink, your liver is very busy metabolizing the alcohol that it doesn't have time to compensate for blood sugar levels and they as a result, remain low.  Toast or crackers are a easy way to replenish your body with carbs so your liver can convert them into glucose.

Food (Before or After?)

Eating a meal prior to drinking is very important.  When food is in your stomach, it slows down alcohol's absorption rate, thus, making it's effects not so instantaneous and dramatic.  While you may wake in the morning craving a big meal, devouring one won't effectively treat your hangover, it'll just satisfy your hunger.  Eat before you drink!


Pain Medication

What do you do when you have a pounding headache?  Over course, you reach in your medicine cabinet and grab a couple Tylenol.  With respect to hangovers, doctors say this practice is ok, but users be aware.  Avoid steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Tylenol and Advil.  Stick to non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen.  This is because your liver is busy combating the alcohol still in your system.  So loading it with painkillers means either your liver will slightly filter the drug, or, worst case, not filter it at all.  This could lead to serious liver damage!


Go on.  Sweat it out.  The idea is to increase the endorphines in your body.  Just make sure you keep a handy bottle of cold water nearby!

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